Define pictorial
Define pictorial

‘The machine gives shapes to pictures, maps, graphs etc., thereby helping the visually challenged to ‘read’ the pictorial representations.’.‘She stumbled across these pre-1947 charts with pictorial representations and corresponding captions of ‘India before Independence’.’.‘Early pictorial representation, using graphic symbols, reads both horizontally along register lines and vertically in an open field in the picture surface.’.‘For the Chinese, both the ideographic script and pictorial representation functioned as graphic signs that expressed meaning.’.‘This could indicate that the pictorial representation based on the picture was more effectively compared to a following picture than the pictorial representation based on a sentence.’.‘The last panel, the pictorial panel, illustrates the specific hazard.’.

define pictorial

  • ‘However, to pursue such an essentially pictorial question, illustrations and text need to be integrated.’.
  • ‘Student sketches may then be incorporated into an illustration or a pictorial theme of their own choosing, or even a textile print.’.
  • ‘The prose is illustrative but not an illustration-its pictorial interest should be sufficient ‘above all in itself’.’.
  • define pictorial

    ‘The text was written first and he made a pictorial illustration from it.’.‘The publishers have also been extremely fastidious in their selection of the book's 325 illustrations, providing a pictorial record spanning over a century and a half.’.‘The solution was illustrated through a rich pictorial representation with icons representing computers, databases, and organizational functions.’.‘Twelve illustrations, taken from pictorial representations in the Tracts, help establish the flavour of the period.’.

    Define pictorial