However, after witnessing some civilians falling off a building due to damage sustained from the merging of two worlds, she ordered for Bunnie Rabbot and Gemerl to ignore the robots and save the civilians. After Mega Man's and Sonic's worlds were merged by the Unity Engines, she and the other Freedom Fighters were confused as to whether retreat or attack when finding the Robot Masters, since they were fighting Sonic Man, as she told Bunnie Rabbot. She eventually acted as a tactician for the Freedom Fighters. Sally Acorn and the other Freedom Fighters encounter the Robot Masters for the first time. Shortly after this, Eggman the second Genesis Wave changes the world. She was disabled psychically by Silver the Hedgehog. Mecha Sally and several Egg Swats were sent to stop both Team Freedom and the Arctic Freedom Fighters when they made it into the base in the Northern Tundra.

Without her free will, she would often aid Eggman in fighting against her former friends, including Sonic. Later on, when attempting to stop Doctor Eggman's roboticizer after the first Genesis Wave, Sally stops it by inverting the beam resulting in her roboticization into Mecha Sally. She was the founder, alongside Sonic the Hedgehog, of the Knothole Freedom Fighters and continued to lead for time. Sally was the daughter of Max and Alicia Acorn and sister of Elias Acorn.

She is princess of the House of Acorn and the tactical leader of the Freedom Fighters. Sally Acorn is a character in Sonic the Hedgehog and Sonic Universe. Sally Acorn's new look Post-Super Genesis Wave You can help this page by expanding it, adding pictures, and improving existing text.